Brooke and I headed up to the Alabama Hills on Friday night to take some sunset pictures and sunrise pictures saturday morning. After taking pictures in the morning, we headed over to the corner of Whitney Portal Road and Movie Flat Road to meet up with Matt L., Dan, Walter, Matt B., and Randy do do some climbing. We all met there right on schedule and got on our way for a great day of climbing.

We started out at Paul's Paradise and climbed Paul's Paradise 9+** and Ted Shread 9***. After that we moved over to The Shark's Fin and climbed The East Face 6*, The Shark's Fin Arete 7*, and Ol' White Pappy10c***. We then split up, and Brooke, Matt, Dan, and I went back to Paul's Paradise and climbed Swete Pete 7** and De Ham Bone 7** so Brooke and Matt could give leading a try.

Walter on Paul's Paradise and Dan behind him on Ted Shread.

Walter taking a step up.

Brooke on Paul's Paradise with Randy getting started on Ted Shread in the background.

Hey Brooke, looks like you let Randy beat you...

Me getting started on Ted Shread. This was a good oportunity to work on leading a trad route. This was my second trad lead.

Making my way up and trying to decide what pieces to put in the crack. Matt B. is making his way up Paul's Paradise next to me.

Looks like I let him beat me...

Dan having another go at it.

Matt L. on the East Face.

Walter leading The Shark's Fin Arete.

Almost to the top.

Matt B. taking his turn up the arete.

Walter getting on Ol' White Pappy.

Me on Ol' White Pappy. This was a fun climb. Tough, but fun.

Me a little farther up.

Matt L. at the top of Swete Pete back at the Paul's Paradise area.

Dan almost at the top and Brooke down below belaying him.

Brooke starting out on her first lead ever. She did great all the way up.

Looking good...

Half way there...

Going down...

Matt's turn to give leading a try.

Looks like he's got it figured out too.

Just about to the top of his frist lead.